Shadrack Osei Frimpong (Founder & CEO, Cocoa360) speaks at the One Young World Cambridge Caucus 2022 on the 12th March, 2022.
@shadrack_oseifrimpong will be sharing insights from his vast pool of experience and knowledge on the journey thus far in pioneering a self-sustaining model of rural development which grants rural cocoa farming communities access to quality tuition-free education and healthcare. Stay tuned! #oneyoungcambridge #OYWCambridge #Caucus2022 #UniversityofCambridge #change #OYW #socialissues #students #cambridge #cambridgeuniversity #activism #university #youngleaders #sdgs #equality #education #racialequality #genderequality #debate #network #notforprofit #unitednations #sdg4 #access